Farm innovations technology Aquator

"The one who learns to control water's properties will control the World"

Farm innovations technology as predicted by A. Szent-Györgyi

Albert Szent-Györgyi,
An American biochemist of Hungarian origin.
Winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (1937)

Water is aunique substance. It has amazing and sometimes paradoxical properties. It seems that there is no such area of human activity where water would not be used. In our world, it performs many different functions, but its main mission on Earth is life creation.

Fulfilling the testament of the Nobel laureate, East-European scientists created a highly efficient technology for programming water for the properties of biologically active substances. It was called Aquator.

The use of Aquator as farm innovations technology and in food and healthy lifestyle products industries will change the technological appearance of modern production, solve many environmental problems, and provide the world with high-quality products.


Crop production


Animal husbandry


Poultry farming

rabbit (1)

Rabbit breeding


Food industry



Farm innovations in Crop production & animal husbandry

Aquator is a new farming technology that provides additional profit for a farm business:

  • increasing the productivity of agricultural production – by 50% or more in crop production and up to 20% in animal production
  • renouncing the use of synthetic chemicals
  • quality management of manufactured products
  • increasing the shelf life of products
  • production costs reduction
  • obtaining significant additional profit of the agricultural enterprise

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YouTube video

The regional Planet Agro TV company presents the Aquator farm innovations technology.

Innovations in the food industry

In the food industry, the use of Aquator is especially effective in the production of beverages.

Drinking water and soft drinks produced with Aquator technilogy acquire special properties that have an exceptionally positive effect on the state of the body.

The inclusion of the technology in the production cycle of alcoholic beverages reduces the fermentation time by stimulating the zymase activity and the growth of yeast mass.
The same result is observed in the production of lactic acid drinks and in cheese making.

The Aquator makes it possible to solve the problem of reducing the volume of preservatives used and extending the shelf life of products.



Start of the project

Theoretical research and laboratory experiments.


Development of the Aquator device

The 1st generation device development and the beginning of tests on wildlife objects using liquid-phase matrices.


Patent registered

Patent for the Aquator device received. The first tests of the Aquator as farm innovation technology carried out at the Kuban State Agrarian University.


First public presentation

The first public presentation of the technology at the Kuban Estate - 2008 show


The II generation of Aquator

Development of the Aquator device of the 2nd generation and transfer of technology to solid-phase matrices


Tests in South Africa

The first tests of the Aquator farm innovations technology outside Russia, under an agreement with the Farmers' Union of South Africa


The III generation Aquator

Development of a 3rd generation device (intelligent version).


Implementation in Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, South Korea

Implementation works in the fields of farming, food industry, sports nutrition and healthy lifestyle in Russia, South Africa, Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, and South Korea.


Diplomas of the European Academy of Natural Sciences and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.
Medal of G. von Leibniz and V. Vernadsky.
The ECOWORLD-2018 award – an international ecological award.

В.И. Вернадский
За достижения в биологии и сельском хозяйстве